Why would I use A4 Oversized Exercise Books?

By far our most popular school exercise book size is A4, but you might want to consider a slighter larger than an A4 exercise book, an A4+.
A4+ school exercise books are a relatively new size, designed to make it easier for teachers to use education worksheets in the classroom and homework handouts.
Instead of wasting valuable teaching time trimming worksheets to fit into standard exercise books, the larger size of A4+ books provides a solution that eliminates paper cuttings and forgotten sheets. These books are ideal for primary school children, from preschoolers and reception all the way through to juniors in Year 6.
The extra space afforded by these larger books can be a real asset, allowing students to write more freely, draw more detailed diagrams, and work through problems with greater ease. Additionally, the larger pages can improve readability, making it easier for students to review their own notes, and for teachers to provide feedback.
3 reasons teachers use an A4+ school exercise book in the classroom:
- Increased Space: The larger size of the exercise books allows students to have more space to write, draw or work out problems in detail. And teachers have more space for student-teacher feedback notes.
- Time-Saving: If you use A4 handouts or worksheets, there is no need to cut down A4 sheets, which can be a helpful way of saving teacher and TA Time,
- Good for Keeping Records: Helps keep sheets and handouts in one place for record-keeping, collating revision, sheets, or keeping A4 sheets as evidence for pupil progression for Ofsted.
What size is an A4+ Exercise Book?
RHINO A4+ School Exercise Books, also known as Oversized A4 or 13 x 9" Exercise Books, measure approximately 339 x 240mm.