What Are The Best School Books For My Class?

It's crazy to think that we are already starting a new school year. Hopefully, we can make life a bit easier for you when choosing which school books are best for your class.
Whether you're looking for sturdy, education-standard exercise books that can withstand the test of a busy school year, extra help for your SEN students who may need tinted papers, or some new format flip chart pads to support your teachers with maximum pupil engagement in lessons - we've got you covered!
The best fit-for-purpose rulings
Of course, we have a multitude of exercise book sizes in eye-catching colours, but are you choosing the best rulings for your subject? To support pupil progress through the key stages, you may need a variety of line widths, maybe alternate lined and plain pages, different sized squared maths exercise books, or even specialist graph and music rulings.

Improving handwriting in the classroom

With the move to online teaching and tech-based learning methods recently, we know that handwriting is a hotter topic than ever for parents and teachers.
From our learn-to-write starter books through to our A4 formats that can be used as standard English exercise books, you'll find we have something for every age range and level.
Supporting children with special needs

Students will have different needs and be assessed accordingly - this is where you may need to consider having a range of tinted paper colours to hand to meet their requirements.
Designed to help relieve the symptoms of visual stress associated with dyslexia and Irlen Syndrome, these tinted paper exercise books and refill pads could be just what you're after.
Engage your class with flip charts

Ideal for 'washing line' working walls that provide the scaffolding to support independent learning and interactive planning, flip chart pads have seen something of a revival in the classroom.
We love our new dot grid ruling as the perfect backdrop for writing, making shapes, drawing lines, and mind mapping with any age group in any subject.
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